The first time one of our crew ran our Strawberry Mamba keeper cut he declared that it dominated his garden’s manifold fragrances. For him, that was saying something because his garden consisted of some of the most notoriously “stanky” cannabis cultivars on the market including: GGlue #4, our rare cut of Lemon Cheesecake, and other assorted Chemdawg, Black Cherry Soda, and Blueberry crosses. Many others have also shared similar feedback with us about our Strawberry Mamba that aside from its signature intense aromas they have found her to be effective medicine.
A close reading of the many hybrid projects that we at Annunaki Genetics have pursued recently reveals our loving admiration — and full on enthusiasm — for the other parent in the cross: Huckleberry Soda #4, which is the dark purple pheno.
Crossing two of our own, original, most popular creations together — Huck Soda to our new pink Strawberry Mamba male has held our excitement for quite some time now, and whenever we choose to follow our highest excitement the results often surpass any expectations we have, and this was no exception!
Does size matter to you? If you told us it doesn’t, we probably wouldn’t believe you anyways. The unrivaled size of the sticky strawberry colas will leave all the neighboring plants in the garden wishing they hadn’t been mired in ethical dilemmas for so long and had just gone ahead with the hormone injections already! These girls are swoll!
Every last seed we popped turned out to be colorful with purplish-red flowers and pleasantly sweet, tropical fruit and creamy strawberry aromas… Did we mention the generous yields? The yields! The colas are huge, and the branches abundant. We’re inclined to keep every one of these phenotypes. We hope you do too.