Balkh Hash Plant From The historic Center Of Afghan Cannabis Culture
The Balkh hash plant is one of the most legendary Afghan cultivars. It’s a aromatic landrace variety used for making a sweet and fruity hashish of the highest quality. This legendary strain has been grown for centuries and probably even millennia. Afghan Hash farmers use this hash plant for making one of the most famous hashish in the world.
Afghanistan has the oldest hashish culture still in existence today. Furthermore, Balkh is arguably the epicenter of the Afghan hash tradition. The Balkh province is home to some of the best sieved hashish in the world such as the famous “Milk of Mazar” and the “Old Golden One”. According to the legend, Baba Ku the famous heeler who first brought cannabis to Afghanistan, was buried near the city of Balkh.
High Genetic Diversity
The Balkhi variety is easy to grow and flowers relatively quickly. The plants initially look similar, but as they flower they start to display a wide array of aromas, shapes and colors. Like other north Afghan Landraces, the plants can have broad to narrow leaflets. The fastest flowering phenotypes usually display broad leaflets and are medium producers. However, the longer flowering plants can be extra-large yielders.
A Robust Plant
Although the buds can end up being quite heavy, these plants almost never need support. Their frame is very sturdy with a large and robust main stem. The stems are so thick and hard that the plants could easily support 4 times more weight! For that reason, Balkh Hash Plant can withstand strong winds.
Low-Maintenance Cultivar
As they flower, about 10% of the Balkh landrace plants gradually turn black. Towards the end of the flowering cycle, some of the plants have become completely black both on the leaves and flowers. Moderate feeder that requires higher levels of nutrients than most landrace varieties, but less than most modern hybrids.
Landrace Genetics, a central Asian landrace expert, personally acquired the seeds in the Balkh Province near the city of Balkh in 2018. The Khalifa team has since been adapting this strain to growing indoors and decreasing the amount of undesirable phenotypes, while preserving a lot of genetic diversity.
Thanks to its high genetic diversity, the Balkhi landrace could be extremely useful to pheno hunters and breeders.
9-11 weeks flower